Cause of Hair Loss, bald head, bald
Hair Loss Disease is divided into 2 major reasons.
1. Temporary Alopecia
1.1 Hair Loss from illness such as high fever, malaria.
1.2 Hair Loss after surgery losing consciousness.
1.3 Hair Loss after childbirth within first 3 months.
1.4 Hair Loss from receiving radiation and chemotherapy.
1.5 Hair loss from receiving chemicals at the hair area such as hair dye, perm or stretch.
1.6 Hair Loss from other causes such as receiving the toxic from contamination in food.
2. Hair loss continuously such as
2.1 Pattern Alopecia found in more than 90 percent of patients that have this type of hair loss and found in
both men and women.
2.2 Autoimmune Disease
Hair Loss from other reasons such as hair loss from unusual hormone.
Pattern Alopecia
Humankind has recognized this disease in recorded history for over 3,000 years by Hieroglyphic of ancient Egypt to
record the effort of Cleopatra in the treatment of beloved husband, Julius Cesar, using various methods of fermentation
on the scalp of Julius Cesar such as horse teeth, oil from bear grease, deer marrow and burnt domestic mice, but the
results are not available. Cleopatra is called the mother or the parent of effort in the treatment of alopecia.
Over the past 2-3 decades, Food and Drug Administration and medical institutions have adopted a drug as scientific
name 5 2- BLOCKER which such drug is a drug used to treat big prostate gland that is authorized to be used in the
treatment of male alopecia with 1-2 mg for the treatment of suppressing hair loss of pattern alopecia only in one
level because the problem of pattern alopecia is caused by gene, bald head is the nature of species of dominant
gene. So, in the general population will see people who are bald at least 10 percent, but will increase in the group of
Caucasian and Aryan, which will have a population of bald up to 25-30 percent. While native Red Indian in
North America will not find bald in this group, it believes that pattern alopecia is caused by Mutation of human but is
dominant gene to spread around the world.
Mechanism of the bald
People who are pattern alopecia will not have anyone appeared the symptoms before reproductive age because
need the special signal that will trigger mechanism of the bald which is testosterone. It builds from the testis as a
great source and women come from ovarian and adrenal gland. Testosterone is necessary for both sexes in order
to act with growth hormone to lengthen the bone. It makes body taller as adults with full functionality of all the hormones
must have receptors shown to the action of hormones.
Receptors like a terminal that will create proteins and
metabolism that are beyond autonomic system. In the
case of
persons with pattern alopecia will have special
receptors at root area, which is called 5-alpha-reductase.
Today it is
said only 2 types are 5-alpha, 1 and 5-alfa, 2
receptors. Both types will be the key to change testosterone
5-Dihydrotestosterone which is a
testosterone type of alert along with unknown receptor.
It is working with 5 - DHT
that stimulates the stricture of
the capillary to bring up the root of hair in area with such
unknown receptor. This is the
location of head that is
pattern alopecia.